Sunday, 14 September 2014

Dear Trial for the McCanns Petition Supporters,

Once again thank you for your signature and support. This year we have seen a lot of events regarding this unsolved case, yet none of those highly mediatised stunts have brought the investigation any closer to the truth for Child Madeleine. Despite all the attempts by New Scotland Yard to absolutely want the public to think that eventually, there would have been an abduction, which the McCanns themselves have also tried to drill into our heads for seven years, I see that this case is still not treated under normal standards, and some people do, definitely, want Justice to be avoided. I call this ABUSE.
So please keep reading about the case, get updated whenever there is new "info", join the facebook groups and the forums, watch those videos by Hideho and Richard Hall, to name only two excellent authors among so many others, read those blogs and those books, and, very importantly, the Police Files (PJ Files).
And please keep supporting this Petition, which, had it been posted or shared by any "celebrity", would now be signed by millions. But as I am no ''super hero celebrity'', all I can do is asking you to please share this link and promote it any way you can:
You may also start your own to ask for the same thing: normality, that is that Madeleine's parents would be tried for their deeds: leaving their young children alone to fend for themselves, loosing one as a consequence, lying to the media, insulting a Police Officer, refusing to comply to the Reconstruction of the scenes with the police and, let's call a cat a cat, not being very clear as to their "fund" and its use. I am sick and tired to have to say once again that had Maddy's parents been any couple without the connections and protection which those two have enjoyed, they would of course now be behind bars and with their other children taken into care.


  1. They won't try them for neglect for a couple reason

    They won't charge them for neglect because they know they did not leave them alone as stated. This was concocted later to allow for the abduction story

    If they charge and try the mccanns for neglect by leaving their children alone that night they then could not charge them with homicide concealment of a corpse filing a false police report perverting the course of justice and the subsiquently fraud that has followed.

    They are happy to admit to leaving their children alone knowing full well it would be a slap on the wrist and would let them walk away free and clear but the pj are not falling for it. They are waiting until they have enough evidence to nail them to the floor. And they will.

    1. I sincerely hope so. I have only just caught up with the last few years goings on as prior to that it was 'libel as usual' so to speak! Anyway I just wondered what any of you thought about the work Stephen Birch has done in 2012/13 & believes located her remains on the Murat property. If unaware ask or watch video on YouTube. I'm not sure this case can go any further now or any more evidence found. All 4 parties have refuted Stephens suspicion despite him offering to pay for the excavation & relaying himself. The GPR scans he did see sent to 5 experts and all agreed an anomaly approx the size of a cavity that COULD contain her remains but all advised excavation on these circumstances. I believe most if his theory is correct & she was buried there so close & therefore no need to move her in car later or ability given how much publicity it got. As Amaral also dismissed him, he thinks he may have planted the 'body fluids' evidence in the car & was got from her body, & why he was moved from case then resigned. Hence all aware of her death, where she is & a serious cover up at the time whereas I think the actual story has come out to those protecting them over time so no choice but to carry on. I that because how can the planting be proven? It can't unless a co-conspirator confessed or the McCanns did which is not likely! However they would know IF they hadn't used the car for this purpose, as the odour transfer could be from Kate's clothes (black & white checked trousers). I think that as Gerry was trusted to get Maddies DNA sample from the UK in mid May as no DNA in the flat including stating her & Amelie shared a toothbrush. I think that he may have either brought Amelie's or another female family member as when he got it, if he knew that she hadn't been in the car there could be no DNA & anything in the flat is fine as not a lot of blood was found in there & 'bodily fluids' in the car that they said had come from Sean & Anelies nappies or Maddies sandals. Which would explain their vehemence to go after him in court & also where the rumour about him not being M's biological dad. Therefore both he would have to confess that part & also Amaral that he got his sample from Gerrys donation so exposed each other. After that point who can say what had & hadn't been tampered with? Hence decision to wind down & shelve when possible but the PM's may not have known about her body at that time as that was also when Treaty of Lisbon was signed hence Stephens opinion on why it can't be exposed now. I think they'd have thrown him under the bus at that point if they had, partly because if he was connected to an elite paedo ring then surely after the investigation closed they'd tell them to shut up & let it fade away but they keep out there campaigning fund raising etc until 2013 when we've hardly heard anything from them following Stephens findings & they've been told to shut up now. I'm not saying he has t got any connections/contacts within government or denying the possibility of paedo stuff going on as well given Kaspar statements & a few other stuff. Nor am I questioning Amaral honour void he did,


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