Friday, 13 April 2012

SteelMagnolia - The McCann's HAVE NOT Been Cleared !: McCann Case: Jose Barra da Costa - Not Sued For Co...

SteelMagnolia - The McCann's HAVE NOT Been Cleared !: McCann Case: Jose Barra da Costa - Not Sued For Co...: CARLOS ANJOS Association of Police Investigators We have uncooperative witnesses who don't collaborate. The McCaans and the friends, the ...

1 comment:

  1. If you click on the Title this is a very interesting say in my view.

    -Same for all the Steel Mag''s Posts - I am a follower.

    I admire and respect People of Steel Magnolia Kinds, because They have Style - and NOT even trying to do so! Steel Mag speaks from the Heart, it's one thing I've always noticed.
    So when I share her Blog Posts, Viewers get re-directed to Steel Magnolia, this is good, because Steel Mag was here before I was on the Blog Front.
    -Same as lots of other Bloggers whose Name has Stayed: Paulo REIS, the Seargeant/ Bureau!, Little Morsals, An Australian Blog, /// Lots of SITES like , --- Please be Welcome and add the Sites you like Reading and Following now, in these Comments. I will add them to my Blog List.
    (If I LIKE them ! ;-} VOILA.)


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