Saturday, 24 March 2012

Social Services condones fake medical evidence to suit their objectives!!!

Social Services condones fake medical evidence to suit their objectives
Posted on March 17 2012

Another day, another leading media article hits the headlines over State operated child trafficking. That is where Social Services are on bonus schemes for the removal of children from families and selling them into the adoption market. This is the story of just one of the ‘experts’ used by Social Services to achieve their ends. A leading psychiatrist faces extraordinary claims he deliberately misdiagnosed parents with mental disorders – decisions which meant their children were taken away from them. Dr George Hibbert faces being struck off over his conclusions that hundreds had ‘personality disorders’ after assessing them at his private family centre. Read more... !"

Posted in Hollie News | Tagged @Holliejustice, Dr George Hibbert, Family Justice Council, hollie greig, John Hemming, Ken Clarke, Social Services, State operated child trafficking | 2 Replies

1 comment:

  1. Huggies-Sweet-Arse24 March 2012 at 03:09

    As seen on the Net:

    Anyone else is PISSED OFF with the HUGGY NAPPIES TV ADS? Or is it just me? FUCK, I've had 3 Babies, NEVER I wuld have SOLD them, ANY of Them, to PORN TV ADS! What is THIS? Incitation to SEX with Babies?! Oh Look, I CARESS THAT LIL BABIES' ARSE! Wow... Look! HE responds, HE likes it!Fucking PAMPERS, HUGGIES,as a Parent I've never liked these companies, and less and less, sweet easy *Music* - Paedos! Calling Ya! Are Ya READY for the SWEET, SWEET COMMERCIAL ADVERT ON EyeiTV? CHANNEL $? Here's BABY!


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