Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Kate And Fiona Reveal Their Assets!


  1. ahahahahah.....!!!!! there's only you Ka to post stuff like that, OMG OMG, Lolollol!!!!!! yak they are as filthy as that street!!! oh look at me, I'm shaved! mpfffffffffffffffffff -isn't it their friends the JATIK moderators in real life? heeee Bonybraes and Miss Marbles.....friends of the McCanns in real life I suspect too....."Just A Thought You Know"!!!!!!!

  2. Hahahahahaha!.... Oh, you mean Bobbelyass and Miss Warbles, hahahahahahaha!

  3. Thats too skinny to be Bonnybraes and Miss Marbles .lol. If the pic showed them in clown suits with no knickers on then i would say it was them ............. Just a thought you know .lol.

  4. ON SAT 01 DEC 2007 6.47PM BONNYBRAES1 SAID.
    I felt from the beginning of May that Madeleine McCann, was, sadly, dead almost certainly at the hands of her parents. I only hope that whatever happened was an accident, though i sometimes have doubts about that...

  5. ON SAT 1 DEC 2007 9.25PM BONNYBRAES 1 SAID.
    The McCanns are just as bad as poor little Rileys mother, or the Scottish mother who stuffed her dead daughter in a suitcase and threw her in a canal after her boyfreind murdered the wee girl. Personally, i hope all these child murderers rot in jail and burn in Hell. Sorry for rant, the McCanns just make me so upset and angry.

  6. Bonnybraes1 comments can be found on EXPOSING MYTH, DISTORTION, CORUPTION AND TRUTH. Or just Google Bonnybraes1 slating the McCanns and sit back and have a laugh.

  7. While falling over drunk in the street after guzzling 14 bottles of wine down their necks at the Eastern lodge. Kate said to Fiona, " Hey Fiona, if we lie down here with our legs wide open we could make some money for the fund and Gerry will be ever so pleased "

  8. Fiona turns to Kate and says ..... " Do you think if i keep my legs up, David will come along and you know ,,,, my luck will be in tonight " ? Kate looks at her sadly and says " Dont be silly Fiona, you are to old for him.


  10. HAHAHAHAHAA!.... Brillient comments Kathie20, and yep, it does beg the question of why the Leicestershire police have never questioned the McCann's or the Payne's about the Gasper's statements, cause as far as the law states, those reports should have been followed through with immedicate arrest and investigation, so why havn't the Leicestershire police performed their duty as officers of the public law?


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