Paedophile Information Exchange (P.I.E)
Labour party members links to paedophile groups !
In 2007 Harriet Harman made the official submission, she was a senior figure in a civil liberties organisation that wanted the age of consent to be lowered to 14 and incest decriminalised. It also defended self-confessed paedophiles in the press and allowed them to attend its meetings. She once advocated the watering down of child abuse images law.
Their involvement with an organisation to which two groups campaigning for the legalisation of paedophilia were affiliated has come back to challenge three leading Labour Party figures.
Before she became an MP, Harriet Harman (pic above) was the legal officer in the late 1970s for the National Council for Civil Liberties. When Miss Harman joined NCCL in 1978, PIE, the Paedophile Information Exchange, had already been affiliated for three years. Another group, Paedophile Action for Liberation, a Gay Liberation Front offshoot, had also been affiliated to NCCL until it was absorbed by PIE. PIE, which campaigned for adults to have sex legally with children, only broke off its relationship with NCCL when it went undercover in 1982, the same year that Harriet Harman left her NCCL post to become Member of Parliament for Peckham.
NCCL people were earlier involved in keeping the name of an NCCL council-member, Jonathan Walters, out of the People newspaper when it ran an exposé of Paedophile Action for Liberation, of which he was secretary, in 1975. The People still ran the story, but Walters was not named.
Even more extraordinary is the fact that a current Cabinet Minister was running the National Council of Civil Liberties at the time all this was going on.
The Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt MP, (pic above) Secretary of State for Health, became General Secretary of NCCL in 1974. The very next year, 1975, NCCL invited the Paedophile Information Exchange and Paedophile Action for Liberation to affiliate. In the year after, 1976, the now-notorious paedophile Tom O’Carroll was invited to address the NCCL conference, which promptly voted to ‘deplore’ the use of chemical castration treatments for paedophiles.
Also in 1975, Patricia Hewitt joined the Campaign for Homosexual Equality, as a ‘straight’, in the same year that Keith Hose of the Paedophile Information Exchange addressed its second annual conference. Hose moved a motion of censure on the conference organising committee for ‘relegating paedophilia to ancillary status in conference.’ The motion was seconded by Trevor Locke, who just happened to be a member of the Executive Council of the NCCL. ‘An awareness and acceptance of the sexuality of children is an essential part of the liberation of the young homosexual,’ the motion went on. It was duly passed.
Jack Dromey, (pic above) whom Harriet Harman married in 1982, and who is now Treasurer of the Labour Party, was also involved with the NCCL. He served on its Executive Committee from 1970 to 1979, so he was there when the decision to invite the two paedophile groups to affiliate was made. NCCL also set up a gay rights sub-committee at the same time, members of which included prominent paedophiles Peter Bremner (alias Roger Nash), Michael Burbidge, Keith Hose and Tom O’Carroll. And of course Walters and Locke were on the Executive.
Stephen Green, National Director of Christian Voice, commented: ‘It is timely that the ghosts of the 1970′s past should come back to haunt these three leading Labour Party politicians. Harriet Harman, Jack Dromey and Patricia Hewitt were in their mid- or late-twenties at the time, but that cannot really excuse the way NCCL came to regard paedophiles as an oppressed minority whose civil liberties needed to be fought for.
‘All three of them really need to explain why they were so friendly toward so many out campaigning homosexual paedophiles in their youth. Why did they allow the NCCL gay rights sub-committee to be stuffed with them? Why were they happy to work with paedophilia supporters on the NCCL Executive? It cannot have been sympathy with child-molestation, so was it a complete lack of judgment or was it moral cowardice?
‘NCCL has now been rebranded as ‘Liberty’ and is doing great work standing up to the Government to defend the civil liberties of us all. But thirty years ago some rather peculiar things went on, and I think we should be told why.’
The Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) was a UK pro-paedophile activist group, founded in October 1974 and officially disbanded in 1984. In January 2006 the Paedophile Unit finally arrested the last of its members on child pornography charges, with David Joy warned by his sentencing judge that his beliefs may preclude his release ever from jail.
PIE was set up as a special interest group within the Scottish Minorities Group by founder member Michael Hanson, who became the group’s first Chairperson.
Since the majority of enquiries were from England, PIE relocated to London in 1975 where 23-year old Keith Hose became its new Chairperson. Hose had connections with the South London group of the Gay Liberation Front (GLF). GLF thinking questioned the family as the basis of an economic, social and sexual system and certain sections of GLF favoured the abolition of the age of consent; their youth group had staged a march in support of this demand (however, it should be noted that the age of consent for homosexuals was 21 at the time, in comparison to 16 for heterosexuals).
Paedophile Action for Liberation had developed as a breakaway group from South London Gay Liberation Front. It was the subject of an article in the Sunday People, which dedicated its front page and centre-spread to the story. The result was intimidation and loss of employment for some of those who were exposed. It later merged with PIE.
This exposé on PAL had a chilling effect on PIE members’ willingness for activism. In the PIE Chairperson’s Annual Report for 1975-6, Keith Hose wrote that ‘The only way for PIE to survive, was to seek out as much publicity for the organization as possible…. If we got bad publicity we would not run into a corner but stand and fight. We felt that the only way to get more paedophiles joining P I E… was to seek out and try to get all kinds of publications to print our organization’s name and address and to make paedophilia a real public issue.’
A campaign to attract media attention was not effective at that time, but Hose’s attendance at the 1975 annual conference of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality (CHE) in Sheffield, where he made an impassioned speech on paedophilia, was covered at length in The Guardian.
In the same year Hose also attended a conference organized by Mind, the national mental health organization, where it was suggested that PIE should submit evidence to the Home Office Criminal Law Revision Committee on the age of consent. PIE submitted a 17-page document in which it proposed that there should be no age of consent, and that the criminal law should concern itself only with sexual activities to which consent is not given, or which continue after prohibition by a civil court.
PIE was set up to campaign for an acceptance and understanding of paedophilia by producing thought provoking and controversial documents. But its formally defined aims also included giving advice and counsel to paedophiles who wanted it, and providing a means for paedophiles to contact one another.
To this end it held regular meetings in London but also had a ‘Contact Page’, which was a bulletin in which members placed advertisements, giving their membership number, general location, and brief details of their sexual and other interests. Replies were handled by PIE, as with a box number system, so that correspondents were unidentifiable until they chose to exchange their own details. Since the purpose of this contact page was to enable paedophiles to contact one another, advertisements implying that contact with children was sought and advertisements for erotica were turned down. The Contact Page ultimately resulted in a prosecution for a ‘conspiracy to corrupt public morals’.
PIE produced regular magazines that were distributed to members. The original Newsletter was superseded in 1976 by Understanding Paedophilia, which was intended to be sold in radical bookshops and be distributed free to PIE members. It was mainly the concern of Warren Middleton, who attempted to make the magazine a serious journal that included extracts from sensitive paedophilic literature and articles from psychologists with the aim of establishing the respectability of paedophilic love
Legal action against members
In the summer of 1978, the homes of several PIE committee members were raided by the police as part of a full-scale inquiry into PIE’s activities; as a result of this inquiry, a substantial report was submitted to the Director of Public Prosecutions and the prosecution of PIE activists followed.
In particular, five activists were charged with printing contact advertisements in Magpie which were calculated to promote indecent acts between adults and children.
Others were offered lesser charges of sending indecent material through the mail if they testified against the five. These charges related to letters that the accused exchanged detailing various sexual fantasies. It eventually became clear that one person had corresponded with most of the accused but had not been tried. After the trial, it emerged that there had been a cover-up: Mr “Henderson” had worked for MI6 and been a high commissioner in Canada.
Steven Adrian Smith was Chairperson of PIE from 1979 to 1985. He was one of the PIE executive committee members charged in connection with the contact advertisements; he fled to Holland before the trial.
In 1981 the former PIE Chairperson, Tom O’Carroll, was convicted on the conspiracy charge and sentenced to two years in prison. O’Carroll had been working on Paedophilia: The Radical Case in the period between the initial police raid and the trial. While the charges did not relate in any way to the publication of the book, the fact that he had written it was listed by the judge as a factor in determining the length of his sentence.
In 1984 The Times reported that two former executive committee members of PIE had been convicted on child pornography charges but acquitted on charges of incitement to commit unlawful sexual acts with children and that the group’s leader had fled the country while on bail. It was announced that the group was closing down in the PIE Bulletin as of July 1984.
In 1978-9, the Paedophile Information Exchange surveyed its members and found that they were most attracted to girls aged 8–11 and boys aged 11–15. In 1978, Glenn Wilson and David Cox approached Mr O’Carroll with a request to study the PIE membership. A meeting was held with the PIE leadership to vet the survey instruments and, after approval, these were distributed to PIE members in the course of their regular mailing. Wilson and Cox went on to use the data in writing their book – The Child-Lovers – a study of paedophilies in society
Despite the fact that PIE disbanded in 1984, the name still seems to have some power and crops up from time to time in discussions, even in parliament.In the discussions of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Bill in 2000, Sir Paul Beresford had this to say, for example:
“ | Lightheartedly, I should like to ask the Minister to put himself in the shoes of a well-known paedophile–perhaps we could call him Gary, and imagine a little more hair and some high-heeled shoes to add some character. As a paedophile, Gary believes that it is acceptable to have sex with children. He thinks that the bulk of society is completely out of step. He belongs to a group called the paedophile information exchange, and he and his disgusting friends use the internet to exchange data, ideas, names, photographs and even films related to their paedophile activities. That is all stored electronically, and protected by a sophisticated encryption system. |
Other members of P.I.E
David Joy, once No2 in P.I.E
Joy was given an indefinite prison sentence after police raided his home and uncovered more than 1,100 images of children in magazines, books and on computers. Some of the images were in the worst – level five – category. Police also found photographs, believed to have been taken by Joy with a zoom lens, of young children in swimwear on beaches. Now free and living in Loughborough
Thomas O’Carroll
A FORMER teacher who led a worldwide campaign to legalise paedophilia from his County Durham home has been jailed.
Thomas O’Carroll, 61, was the founder of the now defunct Paeodophile Information Exchange and was caught after an undercover police officer infiltrated the group.
He was arrested at his home in Shildon, County Durham, in January, and charged alongside his co-defendant 67-year-old Michael Studdert, a former priest from Surrey.
Studdert, admitted 20 counts of making indecent pictures of a child, one of distributing indecent images of a child and one of simple possession of such an image of a child between January 12, 2001 and January 26 this year.
O’Carroll, formerly of Leam Street, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, has admitted three counts of distributing indecent photographs of children between January 1, 1994 and July 4 last year.
Police investigating the pair found an Aladdin’s Cave of child porn at Studdert’s country mansion in Hindead.
Studdert had amassed the library containing at least 100,000 images in all types of media at his luxury home set in 17 acres of land.
But to Studdert’s apparent relief Judge Roger Chapple sentenced him to four years imprisonment and gave O’Carroll two-and-a-half years jail.
O’Carroll, of Leam Street, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, defended his images of children as “artistic street photography”
"The Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt MP, (pic above) Secretary of State for Health, became General Secretary of NCCL [NATIONAL COMMITEE FOR CIVIL LIBERTIES]in 1974. The very next year, 1975, NCCL invited the Paedophile Information Exchange and Paedophile Action for Liberation to affiliate. In the year after, 1976, the now-notorious paedophile Tom O’Carroll was invited to address the NCCL conference, which promptly voted to ‘deplore’ the use of chemical castration treatments for paedophiles."
AND NOW MORE LAWS TO PROTECTS PAEDOS!!! AT E.U. and all. How sick is that! You're doing such a great job to expose all this, I'll take my time soon to read all this in more details, I didn't know a 10th of that stuff!
Thanks Ka Ossis,
xxx Mega Fund.
So many paedophile's in the Government departments, no wonder they want the age of consentual sex to go down to age 12yr's, so they'ed have more child victims to choose from!
ReplyDeleteNow if the Government does change the legal age for consentual sex to 12 year's old, this is what the UK sounds like:
You can't vote until your 18 year's old,
You can't drink in a public house or buy alcohol till your 18 year's old,
You can't buy tobacco or cigarettes until your over 21 year's old,
You can't apply for a driving licence until your over 16 year's old,
But you can have sex and get pregnant at the age of 12 year's old.
Does that sound like the Government is using sex to corrupt the nations children, give thousands of paedophiles a bigger victim pool, escalate the STD and HIV problem, and over populate the UK with teenage births and not enough jobs for more than a 10th of them, cause it does to me!
I wonder if Hariet Harman's husband was adding illegal child porn to her list of expenses for the tax payer to pay for their pleasure?
Now we know why CEOP Jim Gamble was covering up for all the paedophiles in the Government in Operation Ore, and if he's capable of covering up for paedophile Government officials, what's he been doing for the McCann's?!
Liberty, also known as the National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL) has been affiliated with the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) and Paedophile Action for Liberation.
ReplyDelete riet-Harman-under-attack-over-bid-to-water-down-child-pornography-law. html
Miss Harman left NCCL in 1982 when she was elected MP for Camberwell and Peckham, by which time several members of PIE had been jailed for conspiracy to corrupt public morals. A spokesman for Miss Harman said: “She has always opposed child pornography and has never supported PIE and to suggest that she did is untrue and misleading. “NCCL’s approach to the protection of children’s bill was to argue for clear definitions in the bill to make sure the law was precise so that it was about child protection and not about censorship.” The spokesman added: “PIE had been excluded from the NCCL before she became legal officer.” However press cuttings from 1983 make it clear that it was still considered an “affiliate group”.
Some of those at Academies who are also involved with Liberty:
John Lyon, husband of Sally Morgan, (an advisor to ARK 'Absolute Return for Kids' and a trustee at 'Future Leaders', funded by ARK) is listed as a director and Vice-Chair at Liberty: John-Lyon-at-Liberty
Lewis Silkin solicitors, involved with the writing of the academies' funding agreements, are signatories to Liberty's statement for justice and security.
Lewis Silkin LLP and the Ark Master Funding Agreement: ement
Lewis Silkin and their involvement in academies:
Lewis Silkin signatories to Libery's statement for justice and security. -ULT-Board-Members
Robert Wharton, councillor at Brent Council, who has been instrumental in pushing through the Ark Academy at Brent, is involved with Liberty rty
See the youtube video 'Ark schools Academies and Eugenics' for more on this, or google 'opening minds eugenics' for the new schools curriculum.